Rules regarding the use of MAGMALABS.IO trademark and brand
Rules regarding the use of MAGMALABS.IO trademark
and brand
Rules regarding the use of MAGMALABS.IO trademark
and brand
Recognition of Ownership
The MAGMALABS.IO trademark and brand images are valuable assets to us. By
following these guidelines, you help us both to protect our rights and strengthen the
identity of our brand and trademark. By using the MAGMALABS.IO trademark, you
acknowledge that we are the sole owners of the trademark and promise not to
interfere with our rights in it, including challenging the use, registration, or
application to register such trademark anywhere in the world; you also acknowledge
that you will not harm, misuse nor damage the reputation of the MAGMALABS.IO
brand. The goodwill derived from the use of any part of the MAGMALABS.IO brand
or trademark accrues exclusively in our favor and belongs to us. Except for the
limited right of use as expressly permitted by these General Rules, no other right is
granted below by implication or otherwise.
Trademark Infringement
At MAGMALABS.IO we respect the Intellectual Property Rights of others and we
expect the same from others. If you wish to report misuse or infringement of any of
our registered trademarks, or if you believe that your trademark is being misused or
infringed upon on a MAGMALABS.IO website, please contact us via email at
Authorized Use
At MAGMALABS.IO we use our registered trademarks and logos; therefore, no
other company or entity is allowed to use the trademark or brand unless there is
prior written authorization from us. To obtain permission to use any of our
trademarks, please contact your MAGMALABS.IO representative.
It is important that in such references you are honest and non deceptive, and do not
discredit MAGMALABS.IO. You should also be clear and precise about the nature of
your relationship with MAGMALABS.IO.
Unauthorized Use
The unauthorized use of your trademark and brand harms our image and our
ownership rights. The greatest damage is that such misuse could confuse customers
or consumers who are related to MAGMALABS.IO's national and international
business operations.
Recognition of Ownership
The MAGMALABS.IO trademark and brand images are valuable assets to us. By following these guidelines, you help us both to protect our rights and strengthen the identity of our brand and trademark. By using the MAGMALABS.IO trademark, you acknowledge that we are the sole owners of the trademark and promise not to interfere with our rights in it, including challenging the use, registration, or
application to register such trademark anywhere in the world; you also acknowledge that you will not harm, misuse nor damage the reputation of the MAGMALABS.IO brand. The goodwill derived from the use of any part of the MAGMALABS.IO brand or trademark accrues exclusively in our favor and belongs to us. Except for the limited right of use as expressly permitted by these General Rules, no other right is granted below by implication or otherwise.
Trademark Infringement
At MAGMALABS.IO we respect the Intellectual Property Rights of others and we expect the same from others. If you wish to report misuse or infringement of any of our registered trademarks, or if you believe that your trademark is being misused or infringed upon on a MAGMALABS.IO website, please contact us via email at
Authorized Use
At MAGMALABS.IO we use our registered trademarks and logos; therefore, no other company or entity is allowed to use the trademark or brand unless there is prior written authorization from us. To obtain permission to use any of our trademarks, please contact your MAGMALABS.IO representative.
It is important that in such references you are honest and non deceptive, and do not
discredit MAGMALABS.IO. You should also be clear and precise about the nature of your relationship with MAGMALABS.IO.
Unauthorized Use
The unauthorized use of your trademark and brand harms our image and our ownership rights. The greatest damage is that such misuse could confuse customers or consumers who are related to MAGMALABS.IO's national and international business operations.

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Residencial Esmeralda, NTE.,
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Residencial Esmeralda, NTE.,
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